Vor einer Weile war in der MailEnable KnowledgeBase eine kompakte Tabelle mit SMTP Statuscodes zu finden. Die Tabelle wurde Anfang 2010 durch einen umfangreichen und sehr detailierten Troubleshooting-Guide ersetzt: ME020032 – INF: SMTP Connector Inbound Response Codes.
Hier die ursprüngliche Tabelle zur einfachen Übersicht:
SMTP Status Codes
Status 2xx “Success”
- 200 nonstandard success response (see rfc876)
- 211 System status, or system help reply
- 214 Help message
- 220
Service ready - 221
Service closing transmission channel - 250 Requested mail action okay, completed
- 251 User not local; will forward to
Status 3xx “Wait for”
- 354 Start mail input; end with
Status 4xx “Temporary Error”
- 421 Service not available, closing transmission channel
- 422 The recipient has exceeded their mailbox limit
- 431 Not enough disk space on the delivery server; may be reported as out-of-memory error
- 432 the Administrator has frozen the queue
- 441 Intermittent network connection, the server has not yet responded
- 442 The server started to deliver the message but then the connection was broken
- 446 Too many hops. Most likely, the message is looping
- 447 Timeout occurred, check server connection
- 449 A DNS problem occurred; check your smart host setting on the SMTP connector
- 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable
- 451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing
- 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage
- 465 Your server does not have the correct language code page installed
Status 5xx “Permanent Error”
- 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
- 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
- 502 Command not implemented
- 503 Bad sequence of commands
- 504 Command parameter not implemented
- 510 Bad email address
- 511 Mailbox not found
- 513 Relaying denied or Address type incorrect
- 514 Two objects have the same address
- 515 Destination mailbox address invalid
- 516 Mailbox has been moved
- 517 Command violates RFC 821; most likely missing < > around email addresses
- 521 Server does not accept incoming mail
- 522 Recipient has exceeded their mailbox limit
- 523 Recipient cannot receive messages this big
- 524 Most likely, a distribution list or group is trying to send an email
- 530 Access denied
- 531 Mail system full; most likely Exchange database full
- 532 System not accepting network messages
- 533 Remote server has insufficient disk space to hold email
- 534 Message too big
- 535 Multiple Virtual Servers are using the same IP address and port; see MS KB321721 “Sharing SMTP”
- 540 There is no DNS server that can resolve this email address
- 541 No answer from host
- 542 Bad connection
- 543 Routing server failure, no route available
- 544 Cannot find the next hop, check the Routing Group Connector
- 546 Tricky looping problem, a contact has the same email address as an Active Directory user
- 547 Delivery time-out
- 548 Bad recipient policy
- 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
- 551 User not local; please try
- 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
- 553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed, possibly more recipients than allowed
- 554 Transaction failed
- 555 Wrong protocol version
- 563 More than X attachments
- 571 Permission problem, most likely anonymous user is trying to send mail to distribution list
- 572 Distribution list cannot expand
- 573 External IP address of ISA server does not match SMTP publishing policy
- 574 Extra security features not supported, check delivery server settings
- 575 Cryptographic failure, try a plain message with encryption
- 576 Certificate problem, encryption level maybe too high
- 577 Message integrity problem
SMTP 550
Der Statuscode 550 (oder 5.5.0) scheint ein Spezialfall mit unterschiedlicher Bedeutung zu sein. Im besten Fall lässt sich über die mitgelieferte Text-Statusmeldung mehr herausfinden, zB. deutet “550 this address is not allowed” auf einen unauthorisierten Benutzer hin (SMTP-Auth im Email Client vergessen?). Die textuelle Fehlermeldung ist in verschiedenen Email-Serverprodukten meist unterschiedlich formuliert. So bedeuten “550 queue expired” unter Microsoft Exchange als auch “550 message expired” unter MailEnable, dass die Nachricht nicht innerhalb der vorgegebenen Zeit zugestellt werden konnte.
Quellen und zusätzliche Informationen:
- RFC 1893: Enhanced Mail System Status Codes
- RFC 2034: SMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced Error Codes
- MailEnable KnowledgeBase: ME020032 – INF: SMTP Connector Inbound Response Codes